Please read our transfer, withdrawal, deferral, event cancelation policy, and payment option plan carefully. These rules have been updated on February 10, 2022.


If you want to transfer your registration to another participant or transfer to another event, please read below and follow the rules.


  • Transfer to another person is available for both individual and group registrations
  • Once the registration is transferred, the new participant forfeits their right to:
  1. Participant re-transfer
  2. Event transfer
  3. A full or partial refund
  4. Defer
  • For participant transfer there will be an extra fee of $35 – change to your currency if needed (+ 7% Active fee) which will be paid by the new participant, not the participant who originally paid the registration fee
  • Participant transfer is available until 15 days prior to the start of the event. Check deadlines here.


  • Transfers are only allowed to other events in the same event country organization and during the same calendar year
  • Once the event transfer has been redeemed, the participant forfeits their right to:
  1. Participant transfer
  2. Event re-transfer
  3. A full or partial refund
  4. Defer
  • Transfers to other countries are NOT allowed
  • For event transfer there will be an extra fee of $35 – change to your currency if needed (+ 7% Active fee)
  • If a participant is transferring from a higher-priced event to a lower-priced event, the participant will not be refunded with the price difference. 
  • If a participant is transferring from a lower-priced event into a higher-priced event, the participant will be required to pay the difference in addition to an extra fee of $35 – change to your currency if needed (+ 7% Active fee)
  • Transferring into sold-out events is not available
  • The transfer option is only available for individual entries, it is NOT valid for promo and group entries.
  • Participants can transfer out of an event until 45 days prior to the start of the event (the event the participant initially registered for). Check deadlines here.


Please follow the next steps if you want to transfer into another event:

  • Fill out the event transfer or the person transfer form that you will find at the end of this page or here.
  • Once you submit the form you will receive a confirmation email from Active
  • Please check your junk folder as well, if you haven’t received your confirmation email, please fill out the form again or contact costarica@highlanderadventure.com
  • Your request will be processed within 5 business days; you will receive a separate email from Active with a personalised registration link for the new event.
  • Once you redeem the invite, you will receive one last confirmation email from Active.


If you want to withdraw your registration, please read below and follow the rules.


If you need to withdraw from the event, please note that you must submit the request before the deadline:

  • Until 45 days before the event: 50% refund of the entry fee
  • After 45 days before the event: no refund possible (medical issues are not excluded)

Check deadlines here.

The money will be refunded to the Credit Card used during the registration.

Please note that a credit card refund can take up to 3-5 days.

The withdrawal option with the refund is only available for individual entries, NOT valid for promo and group entries.


If you want to withdrawal from the event please follow the next steps:

  • Fill out the withdrawal form that you will find at the end of this page or here.
  • Once you submit the form you will receive a confirmation email from Active
  • Please check your junk folder as well, if you haven’t received your confirmation email, please fill out the form again or contact costarica@highlanderadventure.com
  • Your request will be processed within 5 business days, you will receive a separate email from the local event team once the refund has been done.
  • You will receive another email from Active with the cancelation confirmation.   


If you want to deferral your registration, please read the rules written below.


  • Deferrals are only allowed to events in the same event country organization in the next calendar year
  • Option to defer registration to next year is available for individual registrations and group registrations (only if the entire group will defer)
  • Once deferral has been redeemed, the participant forfeits their eligibility for the right to:
  1. Participant transfer
  2. Event transfer
  3. A full or partial refund
  4. Re-defer
  • Deferral option is available until 45 days prior to the start of the event. Check deadlines here.


Please follow the next steps if you want to defer from the event:

  • Fill out the deferral form that you will find at the end of this page or here.
  • Once you submit the form you will receive a confirmation email from Active
  • Please check your junk folder as well, if you haven’t received your confirmation email, please fill out the form again or contact costarica@highlanderadventure.com
  • Your request will be processed within 5 business days, you will receive a separate email from the local event team once the deferral has been done and receive new registration link once registrations for the next year have been opened
  • You will receive another email from Active with the deferral confirmation


If you want to choose the payment option plan, please read the rules written below:


  • Transfer to other events in the same country organization will be available once all 3 payments are done
  • Withdrawal option: only if all three payments are done do the withdrawal rules apply (50% refund until 45 days before the start of the event)
  • Payment Option Plan is available only up to 90 days before the event date
  • Payment Option Plan is available only for HIGHLANDER Hercules and HIGHLANDER Pegasus
  • Payment Option Plan is available only for individual entries
  • Payment Option Plan is NOT available for Gift Cards


  • This option will be available for you to choose during your registration process in the payment section
  • After you register log into your Active profile - My Events to view current payment plans, update your credit card or pay the remaining balance


  • Participant will get no refund: if the Event producer defers, changes, or cancels the event from a cause beyond the control of the Event Producer (acts of God and the elements, including without limitation, wind, rough water, rain, hail, hurricane, tornado, earthquake), acts of terrorism, fire, threatened or actual strike, labor difficulty, work stoppage, insurrection, war, public disaster, flood, unavoidable casualty, race course conditions, or any other cause beyond the control of Event Producer)
  • Participants are eligible to a full refund (without 5% of the Active fee): if the Event producer defers, changes, or cancels the event from a cause under the control of the Event Producer (other causes not mentioned above)


  • All the Terms of Service written above.
  • Event Producer reserves the right, in its sole and complete discretion, to deny entry, revoke the entry application of any applicant at any time, and/or to disqualify any individual from the Event. Applicant expressly waives any claim for damages arising from the denial or revocation of an entry application exceeding the amount of the entry fee. 
  • In no event may participant (or anyone else on their behalf) without the prior written consent of Event Producer, Avantura života d.o.o., its assignees, or its designees: (a) use any intellectual property of Event Producer, Avantura života d.o.o. and/or its affiliates, including, but not limited to, the HIGHLANDER marks and names (COLLECTIVELY IPs) and/or any words or marks that refer to, or are suggestive of, or confusingly similar to, the Event, any Event logo, Event name, Event location, Event date, or Event distance (collectively, “Event IP”), or (b) sell, market, distribute, or produce any products, events, merchandise, websites, or services that are Event-branded, or branded or marked using (i) any Event logo, (ii) any Event name, (iii) any Event IP, or (iv) or any IP (including without limitation the word “HIGHLANDER” or any foreign translation thereof as a prefix for, or component of, any event, trade name, trademark, organization name, club name, or brand of any kind, in each case in any way related to training, coaching, or any hiking sports).
  • This Terms of Service shall be subject to application of the Croatian law and shall be interpreted in accordance with the provisions of the Croatian law, excluding the application of United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Vienna, 1980) (CISG) and application of the provisions of the conflict of laws in accordance with the private international law. All disputes arising from this Agreement, including disputes pertaining to the issues of lawful creation, breach or termination of this Agreement, as well as legal consequences arising thereof, shall be instructed to resolve the matter through conciliation in accordance with the Rules of Conciliation of the Croatian Chamber of Economy in force. In case these disputes are not resolved through conciliation within 30 (thirty) days from the day of submitting the motion to initiate conciliation procedure or within a different deadline agreed to by the parties, these disputes shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the Permanent Arbitration Court of the Croatian Chamber of Economy (Zagreb Rules). For disputes whose value amounts up to (including) EUR 500,00.00 (in writing: five hundred thousand euros), the number of arbitrators shall be one. For disputes whose value is greater than EUR 500,00.00 (in writing: five hundred thousand euros), the number of arbitrators shall be three. The applicable law shall be the law of the Republic of Croatia.
    The language of the arbitration proceeding shall be Croatian. The place of arbitration shall be Zagreb, the Republic of Croatia. The person authorized for appointment shall be the President of the Permanent Arbitration Court of the Croatian Chamber of Economy.
  • Participants acknowledge and confirm their liability for compensation for any damage to others’ property and/or material and/or non-material damage caused by injury or death of third persons (including, but not limited to other Event participants, employees/representatives of the Released Parties and similar) that may result from their actions and/or inaction.


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